Sandra Loza.
14 (Phone). 2019. Fotografía digital-análoga.

I woke up. My brain was screaming as my eyes opened. The almost non-existent light that managed to sneak between my curtains burns my face. I can even smell the smoke coming from it but I don’t seem to care. Not wanting to I have to get up, and so I do, one of my feet makes a sound when it touches the cold floor beneath me, the ring bell was the reason for me to get out of the bed earlier than 11 am in a Saturday morning, so I slowly walk towards it, I am tired, I refuse to look at my reflection on the screen of my phone, if I will only feel worse, instead I open Instagram and delay my walk towards the door for a few minutes while I vaguely smile with some random posts I happen to find around when I notice that I have to continTue a deep sigh comes out of my mouth as I kept walking. I reached my hand out the door and turned the knob to find a couple of boxes, the corners looked battered even though the rest of the packages seemed to be in a good state.

The smaller one is the first to get opened with a quick cut of my kitchen knife, as I already expected what it’s inside, and smiling I decide to take out of its envelope; A couple of earrings with the shape of the moon made out of glass that shows a deformed image of myself on its surface, I ignored it. I always feel relief in the expected, as it won’t be dangerous, the big box makes me shiver, no description, no information about who sent it, not a thing that would help me to feel safer, even with that in mind I slowly open it and there it is; my face, not in a mirror but printed in a picture, the face I am comfortable to show and I feel is the one that truly belongs to me, it is carefully placed inside a blue, pink and white frame, decorated with a quick message at the bottom of the photo; a few words that drown my face with tears, suddenly my legs can’t stand the weight of my own body and I collapse to the ground, teardrops stain the picture and start covering the message that caused them, a single line that reads “I love you, come visit us soon . . . sincerely yo-”.

No sé para que publico, de todas formas no ves mis indirectas.
