Claudia Luna

CLAUDIA LUNA A chat by Zoom interrupted by the deficient internet connection. Long minutes happen. Claudia Luna is talking about her career and her ideas. She is a mexican artist who loves public spaces and geometry, sculpture and painting, etc. Recently she published a book about collaborative sculpture. The chat starts and we talk about one of her drawings.  Una conversación por Zoom interrumpida por la

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Omar García

OMAR GARCÍA An evening. Or maybe just a night, let me say. Still summer. We can hear the voices through the screens. It is raining out there, in one of them. Then, almost like a prologue for the talk, Omar is talking about his experience as an artist. Una tarde. O una noche, mejor dicho. Aún es verano. Se escuchan las voces digitales a través de

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Kseniya Vasileva

KSENIYA VASILEVA Kseniya is a young artist from Russia who recently had an exhibition in St. Petersburg. Her work transmits a particular view of day-to-day and gets reflexions about modernity life due to their experimental and sensitive strokes. This time, we had a conversation with Kseniya. Kseniya Vasileva es una joven artista de diecinueve años, proveniente de Rusia, quien recientemente ha expuesto su trabajo en San

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