
BASURA While talking on the phone, we were walking on Mexico City’s streets. The sounds were too clear: the dustcart, the organ grinder, the sounds of people. Dan is talking about his experience in music, about what he’s done in the city. It’s weird hearing the digital voices. Dan is a musician, Basura’s founder. We talking to him to know more about their recent album: Centro

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Perritos Genéricos

PERRITOS GENÉRICOS After sending some confusing messages about the Zoom meeting, Carlos Bergen joins it. For more than 10 minutes we were chatting about music, memories, life, but we forgot to record the meeting. Carlos Bergen is a musician, he is on projects like Perritos Genéricos, and also collaborate in others like Hermanxs, No Para Siempre, Belafonte Sensacional, and more. This time we will discuss the

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Tux Antolo

TUX ANTOLO Tux Antolo is a band integrated by Yayo, Iván, Chucho y Paul, young artist from State of Mexico. With instrumental, narrative, emotive and reflexive music, perhaps originated in school, they announced their first EP last year, in a chaotic and uncertain world. Tux Antolo es una banda mexicana integrada por Yayo, Iván, Chucho y Paul, jóvenes artistas del Estado de México. Con una música

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Kin Kon You

KIN KON YOU Kin Kon You (KKY) is a jazz fusion music project made up of a sextet of musician and composer friends who have proven to know and master their musical influences. Last May they released their debut album This Is The Way to the world to underline once and for all how things are done, and the answer: in their own way. The group

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NNUX Ana López Reyes is a producer, composer and keyboard player from CDMX. Her project as soloist is named Nnux. On March 20th she released his LP Ciudad, which is made up of 8 tracks composed by Nnux. Ana López Reyes es una productora, compositora y tecladista de la Ciudad de México. Su proyecto solista se encuentra bajo el pseudónimo de Nnux. El pasado 20 de

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DORIO Chaz is a Texas-based musician who has been in Austin’s psychedelic music scene after moved to the city in 2011. He debuted his songs live at SXSW 2019, introducing his project for the first time with a vibrant psychedelic-pop sound inspired in the 70’s. Dorio just released his debut album last March, 27th. Yesterday The Sky Was Blue, which was recorded and mixed on 2018 and

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